200 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-285-7565

Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event

While at work I was called by a good friend of mine, Nate Riggs, to see if I could should an event in Clintonville, OH for a social media promotions and marketing group called, TasteCasting. TasteCasting is a venture by another good friend and smart marketer, Dan Harris to promote small businesses in the food industry looking to gain online exposure and web presence. The small business, in this case, was Giorgio, an Italian restaurant located in the heart of Clintonville, OH that serves up the finest Italian fare with exciting dishes and unique ambiance. It was a fun shoot because I knew some of the people attending, and Beth, one of the owners, was very accommodating. It was a great atmosphere with great friends, great food, great wine, and lots of laughter.

For all the photos feel free to check them out on Facebook and Flickr.

IMG 0621 Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event

IMG 0650 Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event

IMG 0656 Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event

IMG 0671 Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event

IMG 0685 Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event

 Restaurant Giorgo TasteCasting Event


Christian Adams is a seasoned multimedia professional with more than 20 years of experience as the result of a hobby that turned into a passion. You can find out more about Christian by clicking here.

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This entry was posted on Thursday, August 19th, 2010 at 9:42 pm and is filed under Blog. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  • http://twitter.com/MollyBorchers Molly Borchers

    These are great photos, Christian.

  • Drerikapryor

    I agree with Molly! These photos are great and make me want to get back to Giorgio’s asap! Thanks for the great images!

  • http://www.sigmacreativeonline.com Christian Adams

    Thank you for the kudos ladies. Hope to see you again soon.